Thursday, May 5, 2011

A sister: More Than Just A Sibling...

    As I flip through the shoe box filled with old childhood pictures, the pictures of me and Aubrey pile up. One with us holding hands on the first day of school. One with us matching for church's Easter Service. One with us waiting in line to go down the slide at a community pool. The pictures add up and seem to triple as I sort them into piles. We were always together, smiling and laughing, and never bored. We went on so many adventures that some I don't recollect. We were, and still are inseperable fourteen years later.
    When you are close in age to a sibling, you become more than just siblings, you become friends. My sister Aubrey is only 13 months younger than me and she is by far my best friend. Aubrey inspires me because she has always been loud around the house, never afraid to speak her mind, and never worried whether someone will dislike her for her opinion. I on the other hand, am always worried about what people will think of me, and in this way she inspires and influences me to speak my mind. After fourteen years of her excessive rants, and overemphasized opinions, I have learned to stop worrying about the way other people will percieve me. Even though she is younger than me, I am inspired by her every day and am more influenced by her with every opinion she shares.

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