Friday, April 22, 2011

My big, fat, crazy, overbearing, insulting, out of control, fabulous, family.

Okay, before you jump to any conclusions this is not my family. In fact, this is the opposite of my family. So, if you are looking for a blog that will sit and brag about their perfect life and the perfect people that make it up, this is not the blog for you. Here's some background on the people I deal with every day:  
  • I live in a family of 7, my mom, dad, 2 little sisters, and 2 older brothers. 
  • Strange things happen in my house.
  • I don't have the type of family that is civilized and organized. We joke around and make fun of each other, and that is what has kept my life so interesting.
When you live in a family of 7 people, things don't usually go as planned, and most of the time something is going terribly wrong. I have lived through some crazy events, and this blog is my way to inform the world of the people that inspire me through the weird situations that have led me to love each and every person in my life. Just remember, what you read here is not what you would call "normal" and things might seem a little off, but people seem to enjoy listening to the story of my life because it makes them feel a little bit better about their own. So here it is, the people I love, NOT the perfect little family that is pictured above. Prepare yourself for a bumpy ride...                                                                               

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